Pensar Digital Institute.
Open Tools & Scientific Research.

Pensar Digital Institute
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to scientific research.
- Our products (research papers and tools) are all freely available.
- Total transparency. Our finances are open. Anyone can see all transactions.
- All life forms participating in experiments must be treated with respect and gratitude.
We are currently focusing on neural science. See Nervous System Signals Database (NSSdb) and a tool to write, publish, search and rate scientific papers (openpapers.org ).

Freely Accessible Scientific Papers.
All papers we produce are freely available at openpapers.org, our search, write, publish and rate papers platform.
Freely Accessible Software Tools.
All code we produce is open source (MIT license) and can be used for commercial and non-commercial applications.
No Patents.
All Pensar Digital intelectual work is public domain. No patents.
Open Books.
All financial transactions can be seen by anyone. Total transparency.
Check our Projects
Nervous System Signals Database. The goal is to map and understand the electrical-chemical signaling in the human nervous system aiming to restore defective signals in order to alleviate or even eliminate the negative effects caused by several pathologies.
A platform for collaborative writing, publishing, searching and rating scientific papers.
Ledo Markt
Ut excepturi voluptatem nisi sed. Quidem fuga consequatur. Minus ea aut. Vel qui id voluptas adipisci eos earum corrupti.
Asperiores Commodit
Non et temporibus minus omnis sed dolor esse consequatur. Cupiditate sed error ea fuga sit provident adipisci neque.
Velit Doloremque
Cumque et suscipit saepe. Est maiores autem enim facilis ut aut ipsam corporis aut. Sed animi at autem alias eius labore.
Dolori Architecto
Hic molestias ea quibusdam eos. Fugiat enim doloremque aut neque non et debitis iure. Corrupti recusandae ducimus enim.

Call To Action
If you are talented and passionate about what you do and willing to work for free (yep, in this early stage we are all volunteers here) we definetly want to hear from you.
Call To ActionSponsors
Check our Sponsors

Pensar Digital in numbers.
A quantitative glance on what we are doing.
Papers being written. .
Projects .
Tools Developed .
Hard Workers .
Board Members

Dr. Giovana Diaferia
Chief Speech-Language specialist
Dr. Sara Dereste
Senior Researcher - Engineering
Mauricio Gomes
Founder - Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Vanessa Milanese Holanda
Chief Neurosurgeon
Dr. Ricardo Pires
Chief of Research and Engineering.
Dr. Flavio Augusto Sekeff Sallem
Chief NeurologistTeam

Giovana Fonseca
Collaborator - Neurologist
Dr. Chin-Nan Pai
Collaborator - Neuro-modulation
Gislaine Gonçalves da Rosa
Surgical Instrument Technician
Eduardo Tolino
Collaborator - Software Development
Dandhara Mynie Ulguim
Founder - Admnistrative Manager
Contact Us
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